Known Issue

SequenceDiagram Core

1. Export extra large image issue.

Note: The SequenceDiagram plugin use `apache bakit` to transcode SVG --> JPG, PNG, TIF. When your diagram is huge, the transcoder might fail with OutOfMemoryError.

To avoid this problem, please increase the java memory setting, or prefer SVG format for export.

It is recommended that you export in SVG format.

Since version 4.0.3, if you choose the JPG, PNG, TIF format, large images will export multiple image tiles, which may be less useful.

SequenceDiagram C/C++

Note: The SequenceDiagram C/C++ is compatible with CLion (legacy engine), but it is incompatible with CLion Nova (ReSharper C++ language engine).
CLion Nova

Form Clion 2024.3, Clion Nova is now the default language engine. which use `the ReSharper C++ language engine`. The new language engine is weak of PSI which SequenceDiagram C/C++ is required. So SequenceDiagram C/C++ will report `unsupported language: C++`.

To avoid this, uncheck the `Use the ReSharper C++ language engine(CLion Nova)` Option, in `Settings > Advanced Settings`, under CLion section.

This will roll back to `CLion legacy engine`, which will provide a bunch of PSI to support SequenceDiagram C/C++ to work. The drawback is you lose the advantage of CLion Nova. Your choice.

SequenceDiagram Java

Note: The SequenceDiagram plugin relies heavily on the UAST API. Due to UAST API limitations, the following features are not supported.

1. Scala for comprehension calls is not supported


For example:

class B() {
  def bar() = Option("bar")

class A(b: B) {
  def foo() = {
    val r = "foo" +"?")

  def foo2() = {
    val r = for {
      x <-
    } yield "foo" + x

the for comprehension call

    val r = for {
      x <-
    } yield "foo" + x

it's UAST tree is `UastEmptyexpression`

UMethod (name = foo2)
                    ULocalVariable (name = r)
                        UastEmptyExpression(type = PsiType:Option<String>)
                        USimpleNameReferenceExpression (identifier = r)
                        UMethodCall(name = getOrElse)
                            UIdentifier (Identifier (getOrElse))
                            ULiteralExpression (value = "?")

so the `` method call will not generate base on `UastEmptyexpression`. Hopefully, the UAST api will solve this problem sooner.

2. Groovy method body is not supported


For example:

 * A Class description
class Student {
    /** the name of the person */
    String name

     * Creates a greeting method for a certain person.
     * @param otherPerson the person to greet
     * @return a greeting message
    //known issue: groovy method will not generate in UAST
    String greet(String otherPerson) {
        "Hello ${otherPerson}"
        // call java
        Fruit fruit = new Banana()


Based on UAST api limitation, it's UAST tree is no method body mappings.

UFile (package = van.demo.grovvy)
    UClass (name = Student)
        UMethod (name = greet)
            UParameter (name = otherPerson)

When generate sequence of method `greet`, the calls in the method body will not generate (the call java code in the body of `greet`).

        "Hello ${otherPerson}"
        // call java
        Fruit fruit = new Banana()